Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Freaked out about their first blog post.

I know I'm not the only one who freaked out about their first blog post.

I am sitting here, 30 minutes before I have to go to work, starting a blog.
Why? That is a great question.
Here is the story of why I started this blog.

I was just chilling, browsing through my Facebook feed, like I normally do 23 out of the 24 hours of the day, when I saw my cousin's blog post. (You should totally check it out too- http://athletescanbenerdstoo.blogspot.com) I checked it out, thinking that it was kind of weird for a college baseball player to blogging instead of doing... college stuff or something. I was instantly hooked. I saw how much joy he got by blogging, and I wanted to try it. But there was just one problem: I had no clue what I would write about, or what I would title it. After spending a good hour frantically searching Google for tips on how to come up with a blog name, I started texting friends, asking for their opinions. One of my friends told me to just keep brainstorming and playing around with words, because "I know you are not the only one who struggled with this." It hit me. I could write about real situations in the real world that people go through every day, and find help people through them by finding humor in them... or at least attempt to. And, thus, my blog was born.

Now, bear with me, I am by no means a professional blogger. I mean, it is taking me about an hour to come up with this first post. But, I know that I continue to post more and more in the future, I will gradually become better content-wise and be able to articulate and express myself better. (Or, at least this is the plan.) I hope that you will choose to stick with me on this journey to not-sucking-at-blogging.

It might get bumpy at times, but we will have some fun on the way.

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