Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Quit their job before.

I know I'm not the only one who has quit their job before.

Jobs- things that parents make you get when they are mad at you. I'm kidding. But seriously, having a job as a teen, or even in college, just kinda sucks sometimes. Here are some reasons why.
1) You can't hang out with your other friends who don't have a job.
2) The only day that you enjoy working is on pay day.
3) On pay day, you get your check, open it, see the amount, and think to yourself "I don't get paid enough to deal with this stuff."
4) Parents make you pay for more stuff.
5) And the most important reason of all- Everything you buy seems more expensive when it is your money that you are spending.

Since May of my 9th grade year, I have worked for Chick-fil-a. That is 4 years! Now, don't get me wrong, I LOVE Chickfila. I mean, I could never get tired of a Chickfila sandwich, no pickles with American cheese, waffle fries, and a sweet tea. Also, it is a great first job, because they hire younger kids, and because they will mentor you and help you develop the skills to advance in the "ranks" of the CFA team.
However, it was time for me to retire my Chickfila jersey and move on to bigger and better things. So, I decided today to quit my job at the Chickfila at Western University. 
Having had a job consistently for 4 years, I can not describe the feeling of freedom. Instead of going to work, I can go play basketball in the rec center. Instead of going to work, I can hang out with my friends and do stupid stuff like go to Cookout at 2:30 in the morning. Instead of working for the last two weeks of my college career, I can spend it living the college life: doing nothing and liking it. I am joining the Air Force at the end of May, and I will not see any of my friends or family for a while, so I want to spend time with them (and I REALLY need to work on my school work😅). 
All in all, I have learned that you should never take anyone for granted. Value the time you have, and spend that time with the people you care about. Forgive, love, share, and care, because you never know where life will take you. 

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